이나영 NAYOUNG LEE (b. 1986)
이나영(1986)은 손끝으로 물성을 직접 맞대어 순간적으로 변화하는 형과 색을 관찰하며, 무작위적인 조형성을 추구한다. 가천대 회화과를 졸업하고, 2013년부터 런던 Chelsea College of Arts 에서 Fine art 석사를 졸업하였다. <Superimpose>(The Crypt Gallery,런던, 2013), <0x5> (5th Base, 런던, 2013)외 그룹전에 참여하였으며, 귀국 후 가천대에서 강의를 하였다. 첫 개인전 <Amorphous Substance>(마테리오갤러리,서울,2017) 이후, 흙으로의 재료 확장을 통해 보다 촉각적인 물성의 조형성을 추구하며 세라믹 위주의 작업에 집중하여 <Melting Dough Corner>(엔티엘갤러리,서울,2021) 과 <PAIRS PAIRS PAIRS >(위라라 서촌,서울,2023) 등의 개인전을진행하였다. 현재는 안료를 직접 손끝으로 문지르며 물과 만나 무명천의 표면에 드러나게되는 조형성에 집중하여 회화와 도자작업의 연결지점을 탐구하고 있다.
Nayoung Lee (1986) observes the shapes and colors that change momentarily by touching physical properties directly with her fingertips, and pursues random formability. She graduated from Gachon University's Department of Painting and graduated from the Fine art MA at the Chelsea College of Arts in London from 2013. She participated in group exhibitions other than <Superimpose> (The Crypt Gallery, London, 2013), <0x5> (5th Base, London, 2013), and gave a lecture at Gachon University after returning to home country. After the first solo exhibition <Amorphous Substance> (Materiaux Gallery, Seoul, 2017), she pursues more tactile formulation of physical properties by expanding materials to soil and focuses on ceramic-oriented work, exhibited some solo shows such as <Melting Rough Corner> (NTL Gallery, Seoul, 2021) and <PAIRS PAIRS> (Ouilara Seochon, Seoul, 2023). Currently, she is exploring the connection between painting and ceramic work by rubbing the pigment with her fingertips and the water focusing on the expression that appears on the surface of canvas.